How we work

Los Cachorros focuses on supporting children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 who are living on the streets or in unsafe home situations. Many of these minors come from disadvantaged families where poverty and problems such as alcoholism, psychological and physical abuse, are prevalent. Los Cachorros accompanies them in various steps towards reintegration with their families or independent living, by offering integral professional youth care and using specialized mental health professionals and social workers.

Mobiele School geeft onderwijs aan straatkinderen in Peru

Street work & prevention

Through street work and prevention, the organisation identifies minors in at-risk situations and offers them assistance and education. A mobile school provides education to street children and allows for early support.

Our prevention work focuses on outpatient guidance for vulnerable families, where potentially dangerous home situations are aimed to be prevented by early intervention.

Every day, we work hard to reach vulnerable children on the street.

Straatkinderen doen een workshop in de nachtopvang

Night shelter

Minors who cannot live at home or are living on the streets find a safe place in the night shelter. They receive basic services such as a safe place to sleep, education, and personal attention. They also receive education and ‘life skills’ to improve their self-confidence and independence. Minors in our night shelter are supervised by social workers to offer them prospects as quickly as possible.

In the night shelter, children have a safe place to recover.

Kinderen in Peru Ayacucho gaan naar school en krijgen onderwijs van Los Cachorros

Family replacement home

Los Cachorros’ family substitution home is for children who, often by court order, cannot live at home for a longer period. In the family substitution home, they can be at peace and receive psychosocial support as well as medical care. The children receive education and, if necessary, are prepared for regular education through our internal special education.

Arts geeft voorlichting en therapie aan straatkind

Reintegration & aftercare

Children ultimately benefit most from a safe and warm family life. Therefore, from the moment a child enters the family substitution home, a trajectory is outlined to create a safe home situation in the shortest possible time. The ‘Reintegration and Aftercare’ project provides intensive guidance to both the children and their families, at least for six months after being returned home.

The reintegration and aftercare project provides intensive guidance to both the children and their families.